Northwest Elementary School

Science Performance

How students performed on the end-of-year Science assessment (grades 5 and 8) or the end-of-course Biology I assessment (high school) determines how proficient the student is in the subject area.

Accountability Data

The Mississippi Statewide Accountability System is a single “A” through “F” school and district accountability system. Click any chart to get detailed information on the measure.

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many facets of education including instruction and assessment during the 2020-2021 school year. These disruptions may have influenced a student’s opportunity to learn, motivation and/or assessment administration conditions. Results presented should not be considered comparable to prior years.
There are no new A-F letter grades for districts and schools because assessments were not administered in 2019-2020 and growth could not be calculated.

Science Performance Overview

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5


Rankin County School District

Northwest Elementary School

Science Performance by Subgroup

Small groups are not displayed to protect student privacy. See User Guide for more information.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5




Black or African American


Hispanic or Latino


Economically Disadvantaged

Students without Disabilities

English Learners

Military Connected

Non Economically Disadvantaged

Students with Disabilities

Non English Learners

Science Performance Data


  • Level 1 0-10%
  • Level 2 0-10%
  • Level 3 11-20%
  • Level 4 51-60%
  • Level 5 11-20%


  • Level 1 7.5%
  • Level 2 10.0%
  • Level 3 17.5%
  • Level 4 50.0%
  • Level 5 15.0%


  • Level 1
  • Level 2 7.7%
  • Level 3 20.5%
  • Level 4 56.4%
  • Level 5 15.4%

Black or African American

  • Level 1 11-20%
  • Level 2 11-20%
  • Level 3 21-30%
  • Level 4 41-50%
  • Level 5 0-10%


  • Level 1 0.0%
  • Level 2 0.0%
  • Level 3 41-50%
  • Level 4 0.0%
  • Level 5 41-50%

Hispanic or Latino

  • Level 1 0.0%
  • Level 2 0.0%
  • Level 3 91-100%
  • Level 4 0.0%
  • Level 5 0.0%


  • Level 1 0.0%
  • Level 2 6.1%
  • Level 3 10.2%
  • Level 4 63.3%
  • Level 5 20.4%

Economically Disadvantaged

  • Level 1 0-10%
  • Level 2 11-20%
  • Level 3 31-40%
  • Level 4 51-60%
  • Level 5 0.0%

Students without Disabilities

  • Level 1 0-10%
  • Level 2 0-10%
  • Level 3 11-20%
  • Level 4 51-60%
  • Level 5 11-20%

English Learners

  • Level 1
  • Level 2 0.0%
  • Level 3 91-100%
  • Level 4 0.0%
  • Level 5 0.0%

Military Connected

  • Level 1
  • Level 2 0.0%
  • Level 3 0.0%
  • Level 4 31-40%
  • Level 5 61-70%

Non Economically Disadvantaged

  • Level 1 0-10%
  • Level 2 0-10%
  • Level 3 11-20%
  • Level 4 51-60%
  • Level 5 21-30%

Students with Disabilities

  • Level 1 21-30%
  • Level 2 71-80%
  • Level 3 0.0%
  • Level 4 0.0%
  • Level 5 0.0%

Non English Learners

  • Level 1 0-10%
  • Level 2 0-10%
  • Level 3 11-20%
  • Level 4 51-60%
  • Level 5 11-20%

Mississippi Department of Education

PO Box 771
Jackson, MS 39205
(601) 359-3513

Website feedback

Last updated 09/17/2024